Sibling support
Siblings often share a special bond and during uncertain times they might find things difficult to understand.
We offer support to brothers and sisters of children and young people who access Derian services. This could be anything from counselling and emotional support, to play dates and days out where they can meet other siblings in a similar situation.
Get in touch with our Family Support Team to find out more.
01257 233300

Sibling groups and activities
We support siblings in a number of ways, including…
- One-to-one sessions
- Danni’s Club (a group for children ages 8 -13 to meet up and have fun)
- Chill Out and Chat (a group for young people age 13-17)
- Sibling days out
- Treasure Days – making cherished keepsakes to remember our siblings
- Pebbles Group – to help bereaved siblings through their grief

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